How To Repair A Corrugator Belts Joint

How To Repair A Corrugator Belts Joint

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How to repair Corrugator belts joint when the seam part starts tear off from the belt? 

You should prepare items showing as following: 

1. Cover cloth
Ensure that the belt runs stably and is dust-proof

2.  Glue 1 set (AB Glue) 
Bond the clipper to make it firm

3. Fastener steel clipper / Jaw  - 2 box
1 box 12 pcs 1pc = 30cm

4.  belt fastener equipment 1 set 

The repair process is as follows: 
1. Cut the torn part from the belt 
2. Put the cipplier and cut belt part into the fastener to install a new joint. 
3. Put the AB glue on the new joint part and put the cover cloth on it. Press and wait for 2 hours. 

The new joint work is finished then. For more details and an operation video, pls feel free to contact us!


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